Weed Management: Strategies for a Thriving Landscape

Weeds pose a significant challenge for landscapes, whether it's a sprawling park, a golf course, or a business complex.

 · 3 min read

Site Analysis and Planning

Before implementing any weed management strategies, conduct a thorough site analysis to identify the types of weeds present and understand the environmental conditions that favour weed growth. This analysis will help tailor your approach and select the most appropriate weed control methods. Additionally, create a detailed integrated weed management strategy that outlines your goals, plans, and timelines for regular maintenance and inspection.

Integrated Weed Management

Integrated Weed Management (IWM) is a holistic approach that combines multiple strategies to achieve effective and sustainable weed control. It integrates cultural, mechanical, chemical, and biological control methods to minimise weed populations and prevent their resurgence. IWM emphasises long-term solutions and reduces reliance on chemical herbicides, promoting a healthier and more environmentally friendly approach. Find out more on our Integrated Weed Management strategy.

Cultural Weed Control

Cultural practices play a crucial role in preventing and managing weeds in commercial landscapes. Implement the following strategies to discourage weed growth:

  1. Proper Irrigation: Water deeply and infrequently, promoting deeper root growth of desirable plants while inhibiting shallow-rooted weeds.
  2. Fertilisation: Apply the appropriate amount of fertiliser based on soil testing to promote vigorous plant growth, reducing the available space and resources for weeds.
  3. Mowing Height: Adjust mowing heights to maintain desirable plant heights while shading out weed seedlings.
  4. Proper Plant Spacing: Optimise plant spacing to discourage weed growth by minimising gaps and reducing available sunlight and resources.

Mechanical Weed Control

Mechanical methods are effective for selective weed removal and can be employed in commercial landscapes. Some techniques include:

  1. Hand Pulling and Digging: Regularly inspect the landscape and manually remove weeds, ensuring you extract the entire plant, including the root system.
  2. Mowing and Trimming: Regular mowing and trimming help prevent weed seed production and maintain a well-groomed appearance.
  3. Mulching and Weed Barrier Fabric: Apply a layer of organic mulch or use weed barrier fabric around plants and in landscaped areas to suppress weed germination and growth. Ensure proper installation and maintenance of the fabric to prevent weeds from growing through gaps.

Thermal Weed Control

Thermal methods are effective for weed killing. We have products such as Ripagreen which use 94% air and 6% gas to kill weeds through a thermal lance, in addition to the Eco Weedkiller range which use boiling water to kill weeds effectively. We also have the HOAF range which use thermal solutions to wilt weeds using infrared radiation in combination with hot air. By exposing the unwanted vegetation to this process, the proteins in the weeds congeal and the moisture cells burst open at about 80°C. As a result the vegetation starts wilting and dies.

Monitoring and maintenance

Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential for successful weed management. Schedule regular inspections to identify and address weed issues promptly. Implement a maintenance program that includes regular mowing, pruning, and weed removal to prevent weed growth from escalating.


Integrated weed management requires a comprehensive and proactive approach to maintain a pristine landscape. By combining cultural practices, mechanical techniques, and thermal weed control, you can effectively manage weeds while minimising environmental impact. Remember to tailor your strategies to the specific needs of your commercial landscape and regularly assess the effectiveness of your weed management strategy. With consistent effort and careful implementation, you can achieve a thriving and weed-free commercial landscape that leaves a lasting positive impression on visitors and clients.

Find out more about our Integrated Weed Management strategy by clicking here.

Download our Integrated Weed Management strategy document by clicking here.

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